Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Adding Functionality to both Android's Activity (parent class) and FragmentActivity (child class) in best coding style (minimal duplication)

In Android Library, FragmentActivity extends Activity. I would like to add a few methods, and override some methods, of the original Activity.


public class Activiti extends Activity {
public void myNewMethod() { ... }

Because of the original hierarchy, FragmentActivity extends Activity, myNewMethod() should also be present in my library's FragmentActiviti


public abstract class FragmentActiviti extends FragmentActivity {
public void myNewMethod() { ... }

But this will lead to a duplication of code, which i do not want this happens. Is there a way to avoid this duplication?

Edit: Usage scenario

public abstract class Activiti extends Activity {
private int current_orientation = Configuration.ORIENTATION_UNDEFINED; // ORIENTATION_UNDEFINED = 0

protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
current_orientation = this.getResources().getConfiguration().orientation;
protected boolean isDevicePortrait() { return current_orientation == Configuration.ORIENTATION_PORTRAIT; }

public abstract class FragmentActiviti extends FragmentActivity {
/* This onCreate() can be omitted. Just putting here explicitly. */
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

protected void someUtilsForFragments() { /* not used yet */ }

public class E_fragtest_06 extends FragmentActiviti {
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
System.out.printf(isDevicePortrait()); // this NOT WORK for now

Edit 2: Try using Util class

i think using the Decorator Class would be the most nicest way to solve this problem (no duplication of code). But the Decorator Pattern is just a bit hard (or impossible) to apply on Android Activity scenario.

i try implementing @hazzik's approach, but i still experience some problems.

public abstract class ActivityUtil {
private int current_orientation = Configuration.ORIENTATION_UNDEFINED; // ORIENTATION_UNDEFINED = 0

public void onCreate(Activity activity, Bundle savedInstanceState) {
current_orientation = activity.getResources().getConfiguration().orientation;
public boolean isDevicePortrait() { return current_orientation == Configuration.ORIENTATION_PORTRAIT; }

public class Activiti extends Activity {
private ActivityUtil activityUtil;

public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
activityUtil.onCreate(this, savedInstanceState);
protected boolean isDevicePortrait() { return activityUtil.isDevicePortrait(); }

public abstract class FragmentActiviti extends FragmentActivity {
private ActivityUtil activityUtil;

public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
activityUtil.onCreate(this, savedInstanceState);
protected boolean isDevicePortrait() { return activityUtil.isDevicePortrait(); }

In ActivityUtil.onCreate(), activity.onCreate(savedInstanceState); is causing this compile error:

The method onCreate(Bundle) from the type Activity is not visible.

If i change Activity to Activiti:

public abstract class ActivityUtil {
public void onCreate(Activiti activity, Bundle savedInstanceState) { ... }

It will lead to another compile error in FragmentActiviti.onCreate()'s activityUtil.onCreate():

The method onCreate(Activiti, Bundle) in the type ActivityUtil is not applicable for the arguments (FragmentActiviti, Bundle)

i understand why those errors occur. But i just don't know how to avoid them.

To thanks all the guys who have been contributing to this question, especially @flup for guiding me about the Decorator Pattern, @hazzik and @donramos for your extensive efforts, i m here posting

If you are also developing Android applications, i hope my codes could help you guys in some ways :-)


import android.annotation.SuppressLint;
import android.content.res.Configuration;
import android.os.Bundle;

public final class ActivityCore {
public interface ActivityCallbackInterface {
public void onCreateCallback(Bundle savedInstanceState);
public void onBeforeSaveInstanceState(Bundle outState);
public void onSaveInstanceStateCallback(Bundle outState);

private final Activity activity;
* This current_orientation variable should be once set, never changed during the object life-cycle.
* But Activity.getResources() is not yet ready upon the object constructs.
* That's why THIS CLASS is wholly responsible to maintain THIS VARIABLE UNCHANGED.
private int current_orientation = Configuration.ORIENTATION_UNDEFINED; // ORIENTATION_UNDEFINED = 0

public ActivityCore(Activity activity) { this.activity = activity; }

public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
((ActivityCallbackInterface) activity).onCreateCallback(savedInstanceState);
current_orientation = activity.getResources().getConfiguration().orientation;

public void onSaveInstanceState(Bundle outState) {
* THIS is the best ever place i have found, to unload unwanted Fragments,
* thus prevent re-creating of un-needed Fragments in the next state of Activity.
* (state e.g. Portrait-to-Landscape, or Landscape-to-Portrait)
* The KEY is to do it BEFORE super.onSaveInstanceState()
* (my guess for this reason is, in super.onSaveInstanceState(),
* it saves the layout hierarchy, thus saved the Fragments into the Bundle also.
* Thus restored.
* Note that Fragments NOT IN LAYOUT, having ONLY TAGS, are also restored.)
((ActivityCallbackInterface) activity).onBeforeSaveInstanceState(outState);
((ActivityCallbackInterface) activity).onSaveInstanceStateCallback(outState);

public int getCurrentOrientation() { return current_orientation; }

public boolean isDevicePortrait() { return current_orientation == Configuration.ORIENTATION_PORTRAIT; }
public boolean isDeviceLandscape() { return current_orientation == Configuration.ORIENTATION_LANDSCAPE; }
public boolean isNewDevicePortrait() { return activity.getResources().getConfiguration().orientation == Configuration.ORIENTATION_PORTRAIT; }
public boolean isNewDeviceLandscape() { return activity.getResources().getConfiguration().orientation == Configuration.ORIENTATION_LANDSCAPE; }
public boolean isPortrait2Landscape() { return isDevicePortrait() && isNewDeviceLandscape(); }
public boolean isLandscape2Portrait() { return isDeviceLandscape() && isNewDevicePortrait(); }

public String describeCurrentOrientation() { return describeOrientation(current_orientation); }
public String getCurrentOrientationTag() { return getOrientationTag(current_orientation); }
public String describeNewOrientation() { return describeOrientation(activity.getResources().getConfiguration().orientation); }
public String getNewOrientationTag() { return getOrientationTag(activity.getResources().getConfiguration().orientation); }
private String describeOrientation(final int orientation) {
switch (orientation) {
case Configuration.ORIENTATION_SQUARE: return "ORIENTATION_SQUARE"; // 3
default: return null;
private String getOrientationTag(final int orientation) {
return String.format("[%d:%s]", orientation, describeOrientation(orientation).substring(12, 16).toLowerCase());


import android.os.Bundle;

public abstract class Activity extends implements ActivityCallbackInterface {
private final ActivityCore activityCore;

public Activity() { super(); activityCore = new ActivityCore(this); }

protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { activityCore.onCreate(savedInstanceState); }
@Override public void onCreateCallback(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); }

public void onBeforeSaveInstanceState(Bundle outState) {} // Optionally: let child class override
protected void onSaveInstanceState(Bundle outState) { activityCore.onSaveInstanceState(outState); }
@Override public void onSaveInstanceStateCallback(Bundle outState) { super.onSaveInstanceState(outState); }

public final int getCurrentOrientation() { return activityCore.getCurrentOrientation(); }

public final boolean isDevicePortrait() { return activityCore.isDevicePortrait(); }
public final boolean isDeviceLandscape() { return activityCore.isDeviceLandscape(); }
public final boolean isNewDevicePortrait() { return activityCore.isNewDevicePortrait(); }
public final boolean isNewDeviceLandscape() { return activityCore.isNewDeviceLandscape(); }
public final boolean isPortrait2Landscape() { return activityCore.isPortrait2Landscape(); }
public final boolean isLandscape2Portrait() { return activityCore.isLandscape2Portrait(); }

public final String describeCurrentOrientation() { return activityCore.describeCurrentOrientation(); }
public final String getCurrentOrientationTag() { return activityCore.getCurrentOrientationTag(); }
public final String describeNewOrientation() { return activityCore.describeNewOrientation(); }
public final String getNewOrientationTag() { return activityCore.getNewOrientationTag(); }


import android.os.Bundle;

public abstract class FragmentActivity extends implements ActivityCallbackInterface {
private final ActivityCore activityCore;

public FragmentActivity() { super(); activityCore = new ActivityCore(this); }

protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { activityCore.onCreate(savedInstanceState); }
@Override public void onCreateCallback(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); }

public void onBeforeSaveInstanceState(Bundle outState) {} // Optionally: let child class override
protected void onSaveInstanceState(Bundle outState) { activityCore.onSaveInstanceState(outState); }
@Override public void onSaveInstanceStateCallback(Bundle outState) { super.onSaveInstanceState(outState); }

public final int getCurrentOrientation() { return activityCore.getCurrentOrientation(); }

public final boolean isDevicePortrait() { return activityCore.isDevicePortrait(); }
public final boolean isDeviceLandscape() { return activityCore.isDeviceLandscape(); }
public final boolean isNewDevicePortrait() { return activityCore.isNewDevicePortrait(); }
public final boolean isNewDeviceLandscape() { return activityCore.isNewDeviceLandscape(); }
public final boolean isPortrait2Landscape() { return activityCore.isPortrait2Landscape(); }
public final boolean isLandscape2Portrait() { return activityCore.isLandscape2Portrait(); }

public final String describeCurrentOrientation() { return activityCore.describeCurrentOrientation(); }
public final String getCurrentOrientationTag() { return activityCore.getCurrentOrientationTag(); }
public final String describeNewOrientation() { return activityCore.describeNewOrientation(); }
public final String getNewOrientationTag() { return activityCore.getNewOrientationTag(); }

Lastly, i really have to thanks you guys are being so so so helpful and keep updating the solving progress with me! You all are the key persons who make stackoverflow a perfect site for programmers. Should you spot any problems in my codes, or any rooms for improvements, please do not hesitate to help me again :-)

It is because onBeforeSaveInstanceState() is implemented upon usage, all the three classes need to keep abstract. This leads to a duplication of the member variable current_orientation. If current_orientation could be put into class ActivityBase, or grouping it into somewhere else, it would be a lot nicer!

stupid me. i have fixed it :-)


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