Monday, May 27, 2013

[android help] Android app compatibility issue on Nook HD+ and Asus TF300T

Android app compatibility issue on Nook HD+ and Asus TF300T

I have a weird App compatibility issue. As per the Developer console, my app seems to be compatible and available on the Nook HD+ and Asus TF300T. It shows a "Green" checkmark against these two.

However, two users have gotten back saying that the Play Store shows my app as incompatible with their device.

This is what I have:

android:required="false" />

android:label="@string/app_name" >

Any idea what could be wrong?



[android help] Facebook SDK 3.0 minimum Android OS

Facebook SDK 3.0 minimum Android OS

Facebook SDK 3.0 minimum Android OS - Stack Overflow

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Stack Overflow is a question and answer site for professional and enthusiast programmers. It's 100% free, no registration required.

Do we have somewhere the reliable info about the minimum Android OS supported by Facebook SDK 3.0? I have checked on our side, it seems the Facebook SDK 3.0 does not work stable on Android FW 2.1 (some devices could not log-in, some device could log-in but crash after few minutes)

Thank you very much for your support. Hao

The Facebook SDK documentation reads:

In the 1st section titled: Install the Prerequisites

You'll need to have the Android 2.2 (API 8) components installed in order to use the Facebook SDK.


I suspect it could indeed be the case that it only supports devices 2.2 and up. Logical step perhaps, considering that only 1.7% devices across the World use the 2.1 API.

Personally, and in all honesty, I support 2.2+ devices for supporting the Aviary SDK and never really checked if the Facebook SDK works on 2.1.




[android help] Connecting to sql database directly in android

Connecting to sql database directly in android

Connecting to sql database directly in android - Stack Overflow

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Stack Overflow is a question and answer site for professional and enthusiast programmers. It's 100% free, no registration required.

I am developing an applciation which requires to connect to sql database server. I am planning to connect to database directly without using webservice. Let me know if its possible?

Know someone who can answer? Share a link to this question via email, Google+, Twitter, or Facebook.




[android help] Android IAB V3 Querying owned items returns positive but on consume returns item not owned

Android IAB V3 Querying owned items returns positive but on consume returns item not owned

I have implimented android IAB V3 in my app. On querying for owned items immediately after purchasing and consuming an item, IABHelper returns that I still own the item. But on calling consume it returns that item is not owned. I am giving my logcat output below.

04-19 15:57:43.668: D/IabHelper(2757): Starting async operation: refresh inventory
04-19 15:57:43.678: D/IabHelper(2757): Querying owned items...
04-19 15:57:43.688: D/IabHelper(2757): Package name:
04-19 15:57:43.688: D/IabHelper(2757): Calling getPurchases with continuation token: null
04-19 15:57:43.728: D/IabHelper(2757): Owned items response: 0
04-19 15:57:43.758: D/IabHelper(2757): Sku is owned:
04-19 15:57:43.768: D/IabHelper(2757): Continuation token: null
04-19 15:57:43.768: D/IabHelper(2757): Querying SKU details.
04-19 15:57:43.838: D/IabHelper(2757): Got sku details: SkuDetails:{"title":"Coin Pack 1 (My Game)","price":"Rs. 105.69","type":"inapp","description":"Pack of 50000 coins.","productId":""}
04-19 15:57:43.838: D/IabHelper(2757): Ending async operation: refresh inventory
04-19 15:57:46.931: D/IabHelper(2757): Ending async operation:
04-19 15:57:46.931: D/IabHelper(2757): Starting async operation: consume
04-19 15:57:46.931: D/IabHelper(2757): Consuming sku:, token: wykaaffjpwmehhfdkgmzsbpb.AO-J1OxWZjidethjntgfks3C1tpo6TfiMgWyAc8ycTZWsr7UcaHidKIFRaH-K6L_aa2SYGFc3mq8kLBVajj3mtXQcw8oy8-GAT8aSBLJA_aP3AsnjEKSQ1Ot0OqTBDKJWRduiz
04-19 15:57:47.642: D/IabHelper(2757): Error consuming consuming sku 8:Item not owned
04-19 15:57:47.642: D/IabHelper(2757): Ending async operation: consume

I have to wait few minutes before I can purchase this item again. Is this because of Local Caching by google play. Has anyone encountered this issue before. Can anyone tell me what might be going wrong and how it can be fixed.



[android help] failed verify apk signature

failed verify apk signature

Now,I port MIPSAndroid to MIPS processor of big-endian.and my apk can do well in emulator with what's the matter with it?

and i find it failed in JNI code-----> Oepnssl ..

and i use DEBUG print the is anyone can tell me how to do?

I/PackageManagerService( 74): scanPath = /system/app/ServiceSample.apk
D/PackageParser( 74): Scanning package: = /system/app/ServiceSample.apk
I/PackageParser( 74): parsePackage pkgName =
I/PackageParser( 74): parsePackage mOnlyCoreApps = false
I/PackageParser( 74): parsePackage sa =[0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 16, 1, -1, 0, 0, 0, 3, 12, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -1, 0, 0, 0]
I/PackageParser( 74): parsePackage pkg.mVersionCode = 1
I/PackageParser( 74): parsePackage pkg.mVersionName = 1.0
I/PackageParser( 74): parsePackage sharedUserId = null
I/PackageParser( 74): pkg.installLocation = -1
I/PackageParser( 74): tagName = uses-sdk
I/PackageParser( 74): parsepackage minsdkVersion = TypedValue{t=0x10/d=0xf a=-1}
I/PackageParser( 74): parsepackage minVers(min) = 15
I/PackageParser( 74): parsepackage val = null
I/PackageParser( 74): tagName = application
I/PackageParser( 74): parseApplication attrs =android.content.res.XmlBlock$Parser@2c7c39b0
I/PackageParser( 74): parseApplication parseApplication name = null
I/PackageParser( 74): manageSpaceActivity = null
I/PackageParser( 74): parseApplication ParseApplication ai.icon = 0
I/PackageParser( 74): parseApplication ParseApplication ai.logo = 0
I/PackageParser( 74): parseApplication ParseApplication ai.theme = 0
I/PackageParser( 74): parseApplication ParseApplication ai.descriptionRes = 0
I/PackageParser( 74): parseApplication ParseApplication v.coerceToString = ServiceSample
I/PackageParser( 74): parseApplication ParseApplication label = TypedValue{t=0x3/d=0x4 "ServiceSample" a=2 r=0x7f040001}
I/PackageParser( 74): parseApplication ApplicationInfo = ApplicationInfo{2c7c4010}
I/PackageParser( 74): parseApplication ParseApplication tagName = service
I/PackageParser( 74): parseService serviceInfo = Service{2c7c83b8}
I/PackageManagerService( 74): /system/app/ServiceSample.apk changed; collecting certs
I/PackageParser( 74): pkg.mPath = /system/app/ServiceSample.apk
I/PackageParser( 74): pkg.mScanPath = /system/app/ServiceSample.apk
I/PackageManagerService( 74): oldName=null
I/PackageManagerService( 74): ps == null
I/PackageManagerService( 74): updatePkg = null
I/PackageParser( 74): collectCertificates readBuffer = [B@2c7c9830
I/PackageParser( 74): collectCertificates mArchiveSourcePath = /system/app/ServiceSample.apk
I/System.out( 74): libcore ----> getInputStream start.
I/System.out( 74): libcore ----> getInputStream manifestEntry = META-INF/MANIFEST.MF
I/System.out( 74): libcore ----> getInputStream verifier = java.util.jar.JarVerifier@2c7ce358
I/PackageParser( 74): collectCertificates jarEntry=AndroidManifest.xml ANDROID_MANIFEST_FILENAME=AndroidManifest.xml
I/System.out( 74): libcore-> key = META-INF/CERT.RSA
I/System.out( 74): libcore-> verifyCertificate start.
I/System.out( 74): libcore-> verifyCertificate cerFile =META-INF/CERT.RSA
I/System.out( 74): libcore-> verifyCertificate signatureFile =META-INF/CERT.SF
I/System.out( 74): libcore-> verifySignature start.
I/System.out( 74): libcore-> certs[i++] = new done
I/System.out( 74): libcore-> verifySignature issuer = CN=Android Debug, O=Android, C=US
I/System.out( 74): libcore-> verifySignature snum = 1065134142
I/System.out( 74): libcore-> verifySianature Get Signature instance
I/System.out( 74): libcore-> verifySignature alg =
I/System.out( 74): libcore-> verifySignature sig = SIGNATURE RSA-SHA1 state: UNINITIALIZED
I/System.out( 74): libcore-> sig.initVerify start.
I/NativeCrypto-jni( 74): EVP_PKEY_new_RSA(n=0x46700005, e=0x3bf00009, d=0x0, p=0x0, q=0x0)
I/NativeCrypto-jni( 74): arrayToBignum(0x46700005)
I/NativeCrypto-jni( 74): arrayToBignum(0x46700005) => 0x70f418
I/NativeCrypto-jni( 74): arrayToBignum(0x3bf00009)
I/NativeCrypto-jni( 74): arrayToBignum(0x3bf00009) => 0x70f430
I/NativeCrypto-jni( 74): EVP_PKEY_new_RSA(n=0x46700005, e=0x3bf00009, d=0x0, p=0x0, q=0x0) => 0x683870
I/NativeCrypto-jni( 74): NativeCrypto_EVP_VerifyInit(0x46800005)
I/NativeCrypto-jni( 74): NativeCrypto_EVP_VerifyInit ctx=0x6b5fc8
I/NativeCrypto-jni( 74): NativeCrypto_EVP_VerifyInit algorithmChars=RSA-SHA1
I/System.out( 74): libcore-> sig.initVerify end.
I/System.out( 74): libcore-> atr == null
I/NativeCrypto-jni( 74): NativeCrypto_EVP_VerifyUpdate(0x6b5fc8, 0x46b00005, 0, 638)
I/System.out( 74): libcore-> verifySignature sig.update(sfBytes) done
I/System.out( 74): libcore-> verify state ==VERIFY
I/System.out( 74): engineVerify start.
I/System.out( 74): engineVerify handle = 6830192
I/System.out( 74): engineVerify Native.EVP_VerifyFinal
I/System.out( 74): engineVerify sigBytes = [B@2c7ddc30
I/NativeCrypto-jni( 74): NativeCrypto_EVP_VerifyFinal(0x6b5fc8, 0x47200005, 0, 256, 0x683870)
I/NativeCrypto-jni( 74): NativeCrypto_EVP_VerifyFinal bufferBytes = 0x2c7ddc40
I/NativeCrypto-jni( 74): NativeCrypto_EVP_VerifyFinal bufferBytes = 0x2c7ddc40
I/NativeCrypto-jni( 74): NativeCrypto_EVP_VerifyFinal (unsigned char *)(bufferBytes) = 0x2c7ddc40
I//system/bin/app_process( 45): p_verify.c EVP_VerifyFinal start.
I//system/bin/app_process( 45): p_verify.c EVP_VerifyFinal start EVP_PKEY_verify start.
I//system/bin/app_process( 45): pmeth_fn.c EVP_PKEY_verify start.
I//system/bin/app_process( 45): pmeth_fn.c EVP_PKEY_verify end.
I/NativeCrypto-jni( 74): OpenSSL error in NativeCrypto_EVP_VerifyFinal 67702888: error:04091068:rsa routines:INT_RSA_VERIFY:bad signature
I/NativeCrypto-jni( 74): NativeCrypto_EVP_VerifyFinal(0x6b5fc8, 0x47200005, 0, 256, 0x683870) => 0

W/PackageParser( 74): Exception reading AndroidManifest.xml in /system/app/ServiceSample.apk
W/PackageParser( 74): java.lang.SecurityException: /system/app/ServiceSample.apk failed verification of META-INF/CERT.SF
W/PackageParser( 74): at java.util.jar.JarVerifier.failedVerification(
W/PackageParser( 74): at java.util.jar.JarVerifier.verifyCertificate(
W/PackageParser( 74): at java.util.jar.JarVerifier.readCertificates(
W/PackageParser( 74): at java.util.jar.JarFile.getInputStream(
W/PackageParser( 74): at
W/PackageParser( 74): at
W/PackageParser( 74): at
W/PackageParser( 74): at
W/PackageParser( 74): at
W/PackageParser( 74): at
W/PackageParser( 74): at
W/PackageParser( 74): at



[android help] How to build numpy for Py4A?

How to build numpy for Py4A?

As you have already understood, I can't build numpy as a module for Py4A. Here's an instruction but I still can't make it. I installed Toolchain, because I downloaded Android NDK and entered these 3 bash commands.

Here's a screenshot of numpy folder. I don't know what to do next.



Google Voice on T-Mobile? [General]

Google Voice on T-Mobile? So I recently switched from a GNex on Verizon to a Moto X DE on T-Mobile. I had always used Google Voice for my v...