Sunday, March 31, 2013

android need scrollview inside a tablelayout to span over multiple columns

CHALLENGE!! ok so what i need is a row of components at the top, right below it is a scrollview with multiple rows, each row added dynamically with components that align with the components outside the scrollview. and right below the scrollview is another row of components that also align with the things above, or to say they're all in the same columns. Here's what i've tried so far: if i put the whole thing all in one tablelayout, the scrollview only takes up one column, so nothing outside of the scrollview aligns with whats inside it, and messing with the layout_width it will push the other columns outside the screen view which is no good, or just nothing aligns. i've tried putting a tablelayout inside the scrollview, but the columns of that tablelayout don't align with the columns of the tablelayout outside the scrollview. putting a linearLayout inside the scrollview doesn't help any of this either. my best hope is to put everything inside one tableLayout which is within the scrollView, and then set the top row and the bottom row so they don't scroll, is that possible? I can't find anything on how to do that. any other suggestions are appreciated. the reason for all this is because i need everything to align when the app is used on different sized screens and tablets, so i can't just position the components using dp and whatever. plz help!!


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