Wednesday, April 24, 2013

[android help] ProgressDialog not showing up despite show() is called

I've got a strange problem, a Dialog being created and called for "show()" but not being visible in my activity...

The thing is it goes through the call "show", I've seen it in the debugger, but nothing...

here is the code:

protected void initializeSpinners() {
spnPlayLists = (Spinner) findViewById(;
spnProviders = (Spinner) findViewById(;
spnProviders.setOnItemSelectedListener(new OnItemSelectedListener() {

public void onItemSelected(AdapterView _spinner, View _parent,
int _pos, long _id) {
if (_spinner == spnProviders) {
String[] playListsId = core.getAllPlayListsFrom(_pos);
int items = playListsId.length;
String[] playListsNames = new String[items];
String[] playListsThumbs = new String[items];
playLists = new PlayList[items];
for (int i = 0; i < items; i++) {
String id = playListsId[i];
PlayList playList = core.getPlayList(id, true);
playLists[i] = playList;
playListsNames[i] = playList.title;
playListsThumbs[i] = playList.thumb;
loadPlayLists(playListsNames, playListsThumbs);

public void onNothingSelected(AdapterView _arg0) {


ProvidersArrayAdapter providersAdapter = new ProvidersArrayAdapter(this);

and the function called up:

private void showProgressDialog(int _items) {
handle = new Handler() {
public void handleMessage(Message msg) {
myPd_bar.setProgress(msg.what + 1);

myPd_bar = new ProgressDialog(Intro.this);
myPd_bar.setTitle("Please Wait..");

what am I doing bad...?



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