Wednesday, April 24, 2013

[android help] Comparing Double NOT string value in SQLite

I am trying to compare latitude and longitude values in sqlite via Android using a BETWEEN operator. The problem is that the value is always compared as if it's a String and I can't figure out how to compare it as a number. I found this out because using the query "select * from database orderby latitude" returns a list that is not quite ordered since it is not ordered by value. KEY_LAT and KEY_LONG I have stored as both TEXT and REAL, and I get the same output. Please tell me what info you need.

Here is the query:

double high_lat = curr_lat + 100.0;
double high_long = curr_longitude + 100.0;
double low_lat = curr_lat - 100.0;
double low_long = curr_longitude - 100.0;
Cursor cursor = db.query(TABLE_NAME, new String[] {KEY_ID, KEY_NAME, KEY_ADDR, KEY_LAT, KEY_LONG}, select,
new String[]
{KEY_LAT + " BETWEEN " + low_lat + " AND "
+ high_lat + " AND " + KEY_LONG + " BETWEEN " + low_long + " AND "
+ high_long},
null, null, null);



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