Sunday, April 14, 2013

[android help] Higher API calls while lower SDK targeting

android - Higher API calls while lower SDK targeting - Stack Overflow

My app supports minSdkVersion=10 and targeting 16. I want to call methods specific to API level >= 14 if a specific device supports them. I could check running OS version at runtime and whether call or not higher API methods but when I specify min SDK version, methods that exist only in versions higher than 10 are not visible. Is there any way to use higher API methods than minSdkVersion?

You can test the device's API with this:

if(android.os.Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= 14) {
// Do something fancy
else {
// Do something regular

Methods from higher API are invisible and inaccessible because project's target SDK is lower than SDK which methods are going to be used. For example: if you want to use methods from API 14 Android project target SDK should be at least 14 or even better the latest (currently 16). That is kind of obvious but I missed it. After that the solution Sam gave a reference to is in use.

In addition of checking the current version you should also add @SuppressLint("NewApi")to your method so the compiler want yell about it.




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